Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back To School '' WELCOME TO THE CLUB''

There was thoughts  going threw my head this past week about my younger going back to school. One mane thing that concerned me was his wardrobe, its his first year of high school. People don't realize that high school is just like a night club you must dress to impress, and its just not about looking good its about looking with a good attitude. One's attitude is everything in life , if you have a snotty or a hardass one <-( my brother) you will get a fist in the face and will be just another loser in life who thinks their better than everyone else.  I hope he took my advice that i gave him, and he makes friends with everybody because better friends than no friends. Race is also an issue in high school , but i tell him," It doesn't matter what the color of a person is theres nice people in all races, and sexuality doesn't matter either I myself have  gay friends guys ,and girls .  All i have to say to him is ,"Good Luck Buddy, on his new trip in beggining his social life.  WELCOME TO THE CLUB '' CLUB HIGH SCHOOL'' .Till next this is  A Guy's Point Of View


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